Karla's Kitchen Conferences
Got a passion for food?
Dreaming about starting a business?
You need to talk to Karla!
Spend a half hour at Karla's kitchen table and talk one on one. Pick her brain. Ask questions. Get answers. Stock up on practical tips from someone who's been there, done that.
Karla Seidita is everyone's favorite Home Economist. Business owner, teacher, radio personality, cook book author, photo stylist and food writer, she's done it all.
For twenty years, her products have been sought after by upscale caterers, restaurants and trendy shops. The QVC Shopping Network featured her cook book and Kathleen Mathews put her on ABC - TV.
Karla started on a shoe string right in her own kitchen. You can, too !
Get inspired, energerized and set you dream in motion !
1/2 hour private consultation by appointment $75.00.
"Invest in you future because tomorrow is up to you !"
Click here to send an email to schedule an appointment