What I’m about to share with you will change your life forever..........
Plant tomato seeds in a milk jug and
put the jug outside till Spring.
Yes! Really!!
Come spring, you'll have big, healthy, stocky plants for transplanting into the garden.
No watering.
No tending.
No mulching to keep seeds warm.
Sound too good to be true?
It is!!
Every year I'd buy tomato plants.
Starting them in the traditional way never worked well for me.
I have no green house or even grow lights.
Garden centers are limited in their variety of tomato plants and the kinds they sell are the same ones they sell every year. Plus tomato plants sell out fast so I'd have to get them way too early or I wouldn't have any tomato plants at all.
Every year I'd wind up with the same varieties of plants that had to be tended inside till my frost date. Extra work I didn't need plus most of the plants always wound up shriveling and dying. (Why do I garden????)
Does that ever happen to you?
This milk jug gardening method changed my life forever!
10 page tutorial download
Plenty of pictures to show you how
"Minute Marinara"
An easy, quick cooking pasta sauce recipe with variations like using canned tomatoes (until your homegrown are ready for harvesting) and browned garlic (instead of just sauted) for a gourmet bistro taste.
This planting technique can be used to jump start other transplants.
You're going to be amazed!!
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