

Want to Make $500?

(Who doesn't?)


Book Get-Aways, Work Shops or Retreats at Cheesecake Farms


One time or every week - it doesn't matter.   Experience not necessary. 

We'll pay you $500 for each group you book.


We're a quiet spot, off the beaten path to refresh, reflect and reconnect.




No quotas.  No dead lines.  No pressure.   It's easy!


Work independently and at your own pace. 

Make your own schedule.

Book a lot of groups or just a few.

We offer a variety of packages.   Sell them all or specialize in one or two.    It's up to you!



Great for part time work, stay at home moms or as a side line income.

Or just do it once - for the fun of it!!

Event planner or travel agent?  Add this to your venue! 


All you have to do is book groups, collect their money, and make the arrangements.

You'll be helping people have a good time!   How much fun is that!!

And there are groups of people EVERY WHERE!    Just start with the people you know.


Perfect For

Ladies Only, Pajama Party, Gab, Cook and Eat Fests

Mother - Daughter - Grandmother - Sisters Reunions

Bridal Party/Wedding Shower Get-Aways

Church Groups - Clubs

Quilters, Crafters and Scrap Bookers

Meditation and Yoga Reflections

Painting or Music Workshops

Team Building


We offer a variety of packages.    Sell them all or specialize in one or two.    It's up to you!





Q.  Do I have to live near Cheesecake Farms?

A.  No.  You can live anywhere. 

Just like a travel agent, you can arrange for people to come to Cheesecake Farms without living near us.  But if you're close, we'd love to show you around!  Just give us a call to arrange a visit!


Q.  Do I have to have experience?

A.  No.   If you like people, like to entertain, and/or like to organize fun events for friends and family, this is a natural for you!!  Just get people together and let them have fun!!!


Q.  Am I an employee of Cheesecake Farms?

A.  No.  You are an independent contractor. 

This means you can book get-aways at your own pace without any pressure.

You are your own boss.


Q.  Are there any start up costs?

A.  No.  We will send you basic information as a computer down load.  Print it out and use it to market our packages.  There is no obligation.


Q.  What about brochures, flyers and other promotional materials?

A.   We have professionally printed brochures and other marketing products available for purchase but you never have to buy them. They're simply a tool you can use, if you choose.


Q.  Do you pay me for my expenses?

A.   No.  As an independent contractor, you get to choose the things that you think will help you market our packages so we do not reimburse you for any expenses, including, but not limited to, postage, photo copying, paper, business cards, travel, office space and marketing supplies or equipment.  Any business expenses you might incur, however, are generally deductible on your tax return.


Q.  Am I assigned a region? 

A.  There are no regions or assigned territories.  You can book from any where.  There are so many group possibilities that even with several reps working the same area you will probably never over lap.


Q.  What happens if I don't like this or want to stop?

A.   Nothing!  You're not under any obligation!!

Just send us an email telling us you're opting out.


Over 18?


Tell us a little about yourself……We'd like to get to know you!

Copy the form below.  
Paste into an email then fill in the blanks.

Send completed form to CheesecakeFarms@aol.com  


Your Name

Your Address 

Your Phone Number (with area code)


How did you hear about us and this opportunity?


What are your interests and hobbies?


Are you working now? (If yes, what do you do?)


What life skills and/or work experience do you have?




Why do you want to book groups for us?




Thanks for your interest! 

We'll be in touch, soon!!